With a reliable international shipping company, shipping overseas is easy and hassle-free, even if you are shipping vintage automobiles! K International understands how stressful it can be to take part in the shipping process, and we can help!
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The port of Basel, Swtizerland is the perfect port for international automobile shipping! The port of Basel has many notable features that can help with this process, including:
- A key location along the Rhine River
- Roll-on/roll-off services for automobile shipping all throughout northern Europe.
- International airfreight service provided to Switzerland from most major cities in the world
With K International’s shipping services, to the efficient Port of Basel in Switzerland, shipping a vintage car is easy!

For more information, contact K International today! Call us at 212-267-6400, email us at sales@kinternational.com, or reach out to us on Skype at kinternationalny, For an international shipping quote, visit our rate request page today!