Transporting an automobile/vehicle/car overseas from the United States can seem like a daunting task, especially for clients who have no experience with international automobile shipping. However, the process does not have to be difficult, overly expensive, or time-consuming. With an experienced international car shipping company, clients can transport vehicles of all makes, models, and years. That includes shipping contemporary cars, vintage and classic automobiles, and luxury vehicles to virtually any port in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Oceania.
For shipping cars overseas via maritime freight shipping, clients should know these six basic steps they must take before the freight forwarding process can begin.
Step 1: Pick a Reliable International Car Shipping Company to Assist with the Shipment
No matter how experienced or knowledgeable a client is regarding the international shipping process, there are many nuances, regulations, and alternative conventions in maritime shipping. These may depend on various elements including the destination port and the type of automobile.
That’s where a reliable international shipping company like K International Transport comes in. Freight forwarding companies love to help clients who are shipping cars overseas and have an abundance on knowledge at their fingertips. International car transportation companies like K International Transport can help clients save money, transport their automobiles with no delays, and reach all of their particular goals.
Freight forwarding companies can also help clients figure out exactly what will be needed and required of them depending on the destination port’s customs regulations and requirements for imports, which can be very particular. Without an experienced and trustworthy company, shippers run the risk of paying much more for the shipment than is necessary, facing problems once the shipment arrives, and remaining unsatisfied with the international car shipping services.
Step 2: Decide Exactly What You Need to Ship and to Where
This seems like an obvious step in the international shipping process. After all, why seek shipping services if you do not already have a shipment in mind? However, there are a few important decisions that clients must make about their cargo and the destination port.
First, it is important to determine the quantity and dimensions of the automobiles being shipped. This information may impact several parts of the shipping process, including whether the client will have to use roll-on/roll-off (RORO) services or container services. The size and weight of the vehicle will also determine how expensive the shipment will be and whether the regulations on imports in the destination country will affect the shipment.
Additionally, clients must determine if they are shipping anything other than the automobile(s) such as personal effects and small trinkets. This decision must be made in advance because the cargo must be declared in its entirety and clients may run into problems if other items are found upon arrival.
The port the client chooses is very important as well. If the country the client ultimately wants to transport cargo to is inland, they must figure out which port is closest to that destination, most affordable, and more amenable to the cargo as per the regulations. These seem like difficult decisions to make for clients, but they can use the help and support of a reliable freight forwarding company.
Step 3: Decide How to Transport the Automobile(s)
When shipping cars overseas, clients typically have two major choices: shipping via RORO vessel or container. There are pros and cons to both methods, and your shipping company can help you decide which option is best based on the circumstances. RORO is typically cheaper, and the loading process is very simple because the car can be driven onto the vessel. However, this precludes non-driving cars and typically vintage automobiles from using this method.
Container shipping on the other hand can be great for clients transporting vintage cars, or those who are looking to transport goods and personal effects in addition to the automobile. Unlike RORO, clients can transport other items with their cars in a shipping container. Containers are also great to protect the automobile from the elements. Both options will get the job done, and the best option will be specific to the client and their circumstances.
Step 4: Prepare the Required Documents for Overseas Car Transport Services
Before any company will transport an automobile overseas from the United States, they will need certain information from the shipper as well as several documents. These documents include the original title of the car, the full name and address of the shipper and the consignee, photo identification of the shipper and consignee, prepayment in full, proof of the commercial value of the automobile, and a signed power of attorney form.
The international car shipping company will also ask the shipper when they would like to schedule the shipment and how it will be transported to a port in the United States.
Step 5: Determine the Applicable Restrictions and Regulations
The next step is to figure out which restrictions and customs regulations apply depending on the country the car is being transported to, and to work around these restrictions. Otherwise, the shipper may be stuck spending more money on additional unanticipated fees.
With overseas car transport services there are a few common restrictions, including tariffs on vintage and classic automobiles, age restrictions on automobiles allowed in the country, and various requirements for cleaning the automobile and removing certain materials from it, including license plates.
However, it is difficult to understand and pin down every potential restriction and regulation. Again, a reliable international car shipping company like K International Transport can help determine the specific rules for the destination country in question.
Step 6: Get Your Automobile to the Port in the United States
Some clients prefer to drive their car to the port in the United States themselves. However, this is not always possible, especially if the client lives far away from the port of origin. Luckily, K International Transport can help with inland trucking and transportation services. These reliable services can transport shippers’ automobiles for an affordable price from their door to the port. With K International Transport the whole process is a breeze, including the transport to the port before the shipment commences overseas.
For more information about K International Transport’s services or shipping cars overseas, call us at 212-267-6400 or email us at You can also reach out to us on Skype at k internationalny. For an international car shipping quote, visit our rate request page today!